Friday, December 26, 2008

Gingerbread... and butterscotch??

I found this recipe years ago for some delicious gingerbread butterscotch cookies.  I've been making them ever since and they are always a buttery, rich hit at all Christmas parties.  Well, the next logical step is to turn these cookies into ice cream...

I used most of the ingredients from the cookies except the butter and flour.  I decided to mix the spices and the molasses with the eggs before adding it to my creme anglaise.

Now one of the biggest criticism I receive on my ice creams is that the texture turns out grainy or icy.  I've thought about why this could be and it might be because I haven't been using enough eggs to give it that silky creamy quality.  I tried using three eggs this time, as opposed to my usual one.  Well, I either got too concerned with my candy thermometer or wasn't diligent enough with my stirring because the eggs started to cook.  That hasn't happened to me in a while.  I strained the mixture, but think I lost the possibility for that silky texture.
Sure enough, some people complained that it was too icy and that there were lots of little ice crystals.  The other big complaint was the combination of the gingerbread and the butterscotch chips.  Almost everybody agreed that the ice cream didn't need the butterscotch.  I always thought it was a nice surprise sweetness in the cookies, but I guess it didn't work so well in the ice cream.  Maybe a homemade butterscotch swirl would work a little better.  Or maybe gingerbread has enough flavor on its own without complicating with the butterscotch.

One of my next projects will be to figure out why my ice creams usually end up grainy.  I have to try to add more eggs without ruining the creme anglaise and also have to consider the possibility of my ice cream maker being the problem.  My cheap cuisinart home ice cream maker can only go so far, I'm sure.

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